Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Current Book(s):

Eat to Live - Dr. Furman - its the book Andrew's parents read that inspired them to become vegetarians and I'm interested in what it has to say....

Current Music:
Nothing at the moment

Current Shame-Inducing Guilty Pleasure:
Cookie dough - I made sugar cookies over the weekend

Current Colors:
Pink thermal and dark jeans today....its getting chilly in the morning

Current Obsessions:
Intervention and Hoarders on A&E - Halloween is also getting close so I'm addicted!!

Current Drink:
Coffee with Hazelnut creamer

Current Movie:
There isn't really anything I'm dying to see at the moment

Current TV Show:
Intervention, Hoarders, Little People Big World, Rachel Zoe Project

Current Wish-List:
A new camel coach purse, laptop

Current Needs:
More sleep, more coffee

Current Triumph(s):
Sticking to my diet plan over the weekend!

Current Bane(s) of my Existence:
Frost on my car in the mornings, not having our furnace yet, growing my hair out

Current Goal(s):

Loose more weight

Current Indulgence:

The sugar cookies I made last night

Current Blessing:
Family and my best friend Jessica

Current Slang or Saying:
"Cool out" or Andrew's favorite "I'd drive the hell outta that car" - he likes when I pretend to be redneck

Current (Fav) Outfit:
Jeans and a thermal with a hoodie

Current Excitement:
Halloween coming, getting a furnace on Oct. 16th!!!

Current Mood:


Pictures from over the long weekend

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