Monday, January 4, 2010

2010 Resolutions (just a little late)

I think that most people, myself included, are not all that great at keeping resolutions. Every year I say I'll do this or that and never really follow through. I kinda missed out on the Writers Workshop this past week because I was feeling a bit under the weather (turns out I'm allergic to Pepto Bismol) but I still wanted to post my 2010 Resolutions!

I really started setting goals for myself the middle of this year when I decided that I need to be healthier. I've posted before about considering a vegetarian or vegan diet and I've blogged about my diet and weight loss goals. I gave up eating fast food practically everyday for lunch about 6 months ago and I've noticed some change. I don't get as tired in the afternoon from eating lunch and I have more money at the end of the week if I pack or bring left overs.

So this brings me to my 2010 New Years resolutions! I'm going to attempt three this year!

1) Continue with my diet and weight loss plan. I've gotten off track a few times, but I'm trying to be better. I bought the 30 Day Shred a few weeks ago and I'm on day 5 now (thanks to my "acid reflux" or whatever is going on with my body I haven't done it in three days). I have still been avoiding fast food and pop as much as possible. I would like to loose 30lbs when all is said and done! For me this isn't about being skinny its about feeling good and I don't right now. My weight has gone up and down since I was 18 (thanks college) and I'm sick of being a different size every year or so. Once I'm back to my goal weight I'll maintain it because by then I'll be used to the lifestyle I am creating now.

2) Spend more time with family. Since I moved out I still talk to my mom/dad/brother on a daily basis but I only see them about once a week. I spent a good deal of time with them over the holidays but I feel like that's not enough. I always have the best of intentions but this year I really want to stick with it - have them over for dinner, take my mom shopping with me and write to my grandparents more often while they're in Florida. I would like to make more trips to PA this year to see my family there and at some point I want to make it down to Florida again to see my aunt and grandparents!

3) Make some 5 year goals. Okay I know this sounds strange, but in the long run it makes sense to me! There are so many things that I want to accomplish in my life, but why not make some of them things I want to happen in the next 5 years. I have to think about this one a little more, but I'm sure I'll get back to it soon!

So that's pretty much it for my 2010 Resolutions. Anyone have some as well? I'd also like to become more "green" this year but I didn't set it as a resolution because I want to do more research before I get started!

Happy 2010 Everyone!


Amanda said...

It sounds like you have some great plans for this new year. Fast food and sodas (as we call them here ;) are hard habits to break but you won't miss them, I promise! Good luck to you! I'm excited to hear your progress.

Amanda said...

Thanks :) the pop has been soooo hard, I used to drink Red Bull everyday and eat fast food like 4 times a week. But now that I don't eat all that grease I feel so much better! I just cook extra for dinner and take the left overs to work!