Monday, September 22, 2014


Today we celebrate our two year wedding anniversary.  Looking at my TimeHop the other day, I realized how much life has changed in two years.

As we prepared for our wedding two years ago, my grandpa was put in hospice and passed away just 5 days after our wedding.  It was a happy time but also so full of sorrow.  Looking back, I know that in some way he was with me that day and he still is today.

As the weather has cooled and started feeling more like fall, it brings back so many memories of our wedding day and preparing for our wedding.  I could not have asked for a better day, despite a few weather hiccups.  I married the man of my dreams in front of our closest family and friends and today I love him even more.

In two years we have been through so much: my grandpa passed away, I started a new job which was a welcome and much needed change, we traveled to Florida together and we found out we were expecting a baby and though Jeanette was a surprise she has totally changed our lives.

I hope to never forget how I felt on our wedding day and that our love will continue to grow.

Wherever you go, I shall go
Wherever you live, so shall I live
Your people will be my people
And your God will be my God too

Wherever you die, I shall die
And there shall I be buried beside you.
We will be together forever
And our love will be the gift of our lives.


Carol said...

That verse from the book of Ruth is one of my favorites! Happy Anniversary! You were a gorgeous bride!

Laura said...

Happy Anniversary!!!