Sunday, October 5, 2014


Today my handsome, amazing husband turns 32 years old.

Back when we met in 2008 we were just babies!  I was about to turn 23 and Andrew was 26.  

At his brothers wedding June 2008

 As time has gone by so much has changed.  Andrew bought a house and we moved in together.  We've celebrated holiday's, changed jobs, lost loved ones, learned a lot about one another, loved and fought and triumphed in life.  

This is probably one of my favorite pictures of Andrew, on a cool spring day on our old boat.  That boy could spend all day, everyday on a lake, never catch a fish and still have a good time.  

I love how well he gets along with my brother.  They are best friends and it's so amazing to watch them spend time together.  

I've even convered Andrew to a Steelers fan.  And to think, he didn't even like football when we first met.  

And the boy does clean up well :)

We got engaged.

Got married.....

And then started a little family of our own.

I can't imagine a better person to spend my life with.  Andrew has been there for me during some of my darkest times and celebrated with me through some of the happiest.  He is an amazing father, he works hard for our family, he's hilarious (even he thinks he's the funniest person he knows), sweet, goofy, resourceful and pretty darn handsome.  

Happy Birthday pumpkin, I love you! 

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