Wednesday, September 9, 2009

another boring Amanda update

I'll try to keep this short and sweet!
  • Check out my weight loss blog for my progress on this new diet plan!
  • The downstairs room of the house is almost ready for drywall and if you're friends with me on facebook you can check out the house album on there!
  • I'll be in PA this weekend for my aunt and uncles 40th wedding anniversary party - they are also my godparents so it should be a good time!
  • I've finally found time to start baking again and making slightly more involved meals for myself and Andrew. Digging out all of my cookbooks from boxes probably helped as well!
  • My dad still has not found a job and has to re-file for unemployment, I am hoping that something great comes along for him soon....this economy really blows but that is a topic for another post.
  • I may have been inspired by Caitlyns blog to write something with a more political standpoint, but its going to take me a while to come up with something.
  • Football season for the Steelers starts on Thursday so its time for me to shred off my normal personality and become Steelers crazy once again!
All for now :)

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