Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Dog update

Thank you to those who left their comments of concern about Bessie on my blog. Here is what happened with the dog situation! I finally got a hold of the Animal Control people yesterday (they are only open from 11am till 4pm M-F and don't have an answering machine). I gave the lady all the info I had on the dogs, where we see them and the frequency of these events. She then asked me the most idiotic questions ever....

"Why haven't you called before about these dogs?" - Hmmm lets see you're only open 5 hours a day, 5 days a week and you're always closed when the dogs are around! I told her I had called our local police and they wouldn't do anything about the dogs - then she laughed at me.

"Have you tried to approaching the black lab to see if you can catch the dog and bring it to our drop point *which by the way is 25 miles from my house*" - Uh no, its hair stands up when you look at it and its always barking and growling, am I going to risk my life to catch this dog, uh no.

After all her dumb questions she said and asking me for directions to our address 5 different times (if you work for the COUNTY shouldn't you know your way around?!?!) she said she would TRY to have someone come out and set a trap for the dog......

And in other news: my beloved/hated/boat of a Lumina has finally retired after 6 years and thousands of miles, I'm a driver of another fine Chevy vehicle, the Impala for the time being; allergies are in full swing; I've got a great post coming together for writers workshop tomorrow so be sure to come back; the diet is still going well I just haven't been able to work out yet but today I swear I'm doing something; 3 months to go till I'm back in school!


Stephanie said...

how stupid!! there is no way i'd approach a dog like that either. that's ridiculous! hope they come catch it for ya!

Amanda said...

Yeah people are not very smart at all! I mean really, what if it had rabies or something?!?! I hope that this problem goes away soon though, I haven't seen the dog since Monday morning!

Unknown said...

If she were competent, she'd realize how crappy thier hours are and tell you absolutely under no circumstances should you approach that dog. Not the brightest.

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Wow, not a whole lot of concern for the dog or the people in its path coming from that dept. Geesh!