Monday, May 31, 2010


Well the time has come, I'm 25 as of yesterday and my life has totally changed. I had a wonderful birthday and we had a lovely party with lots of food, friends, family, beer and fun!

I'm now a full time student instead of a full time administrative assistant.

I don't start school till the 14th of June so I've got a few weeks to get some things done around the house and get every little detail squared away for school.

So on the schedule for this week:

Tuesday: Cleaning and laundry; re-organizing my glassware cabinet; planting hostas and moon flowers.
Wednesday: Meeting with my advisor and getting my books.
Thursday: Zoombezi Bay Waterpark with my brothers girlfriend if the weather is nice.
Friday: Clean and organize the office

I hope that these next two weeks are very productive!


Stephanie said...

happy 25th! mine is next month... yikes :)

Brittany said...

Happy Birthday!!!

Enjoy your next couple weeks - the waterpark sounds like fun!