Monday, April 26, 2010

Weekend in review

I had a lovely long weekend since I took Friday off. That morning we cleaned the house a little and did some yard work and waited on our HVAC people for a seasonal checkup of our system. Its only a year old, but they do it free for 5 years, so what the heck. They actually found a part that was installed wrong at the factory and will have to come back in two weeks to fix it....I'm not that concerned because we don't need our AC right now! After that finished up we went to the garden store and I finally got plants for my pot on the front porch, some Miracle Grow and more Phlox (my favorite flower of the moment). Then we got ready for the Tim McGraw and Lady Antebellum concert - it was AMAZING. For a 43 year old he has a nice......body......and voice.....and cute, tight butt!

Saturday we headed up to Andrews parents place to spend some time with them. Our little niece is WALKING now, at just 9 months old and she gets cuter everyday! She is saying about 6 words, eating people food and pretty soon she won't even have a bottle anymore. We headed home around dinner time and got to work cleaning the house and making dinner.

Sunday my moms brother and his wife came for a visit from PA - it was so great to see them! They haven't been here since my brother graduated high school about 3 years ago. We showed them all around the house, had some cookies and drinks and then they had to head home. After everyone left, I vegged out on the couch the rest of the day....sometimes its nice just to not do anything!

On the schedule for this week: getting a lot of stuff ready for school, big project at work starts on Friday (I will be working a few 10-12 hour days), designing some advertising material for Andrew's moms day-lilies and not cleaning the house since I did that for 3 days....hope everyone has a good week!

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