For months the topic was at the top of the list in my house - the new CEO was going to eliminate my dads job. For nearly a year it weighed heavy on everyone's mind until one Saturday in February of 2009 when my dad came home from a meeting and told us it was finally happening. In April he would loose his job. I wanted to throw up, I wanted to scream, I wanted to march down there and punch that guy in the mouth and ask him what he was thinking. They were going to keep one person, but in the end it wasn't my dad (one of the long time employees of that department and one of the hardest workers). Instead he was left jobless on April 17, 2009 and is still unemployed. It was so hard at first and with each day grew harder, I watched my dad go from a laughing, happy person to someone who didn't sleep and didn't laugh as much anymore. My heart would break every time I saw him. I would love to help them out but I can't, the economy hasn't been easy on me either, like most Americans.
I read articles on Yahoo daily about this Jim Bunning who has filibustered the passing of a law that would extend unemployment, now he will be my new mouth punching victim. Everyday that my dad goes with out a job is heart-wrenching and it hurts me to think that they could soon loose their home and everything they worked so hard for because of what happened in this economy. This man probably has millions of dollars and can't see what his vote is doing to millions in this country. Then I read the comments, people saying that the jobless are lazy?!?! You have to be kidding me! And that collecting unemployment is making them even lazier, its just like another slap in the face.
I doubt that most honest Americans want to be "living off the government" but in times like this they have no choice. My parents do not get food stamps, Medicaid or Welfare and my dad paid into unemployment all the years he worked so he is entitled to collect what he paid into. The jobless rate in Ohio is at 10%, that isn't his fault either. People say they should move, do you really think they could sell their house right now or afford to pay rent and a mortgage on one persons pay?! I just don't think that anyone understands.
Thankfully after I began writing this post, unemployment did get extended until December for the millions of Americans like my dad. I was afraid the next blind siding moment would be my parents selling their home and everything they've worked for.
I know this is a rather depressing post for
Writers Workshop, but its honestly the worst kind of blind-siding that I've ever experienced. Do you know someone effected by the economy? Did you or a loved one loose your job?