Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Becoming a Lady Blogger

When I started this blog, I didn't have much direction and I wasn't quite sure what all I wanted to say - I wrote about life, participated in things like Haiku Friday and did little surveys. I never found a blog group that was for women (and not just moms like most of the ones that are out there) until I found Lady Bloggers. I had seen the button on my friend Maya's blog and clicked to check it out!

FINALLY a place where you didn't have to be a mom to fit in (not that there is anything wrong with that, but I'm not a mom yet and I wanted to find a place to meet other woman bloggers). I decided this would be my first step into developing my blog and finding great blog ideas! If you're like me and want to meet more women who blog, check out the Join Here section of The Lady Bloggers. To me, its all about connecting with other women, finding interesting blogs to read and getting a better feel for this whole adventure.

Each Sunday there is a Tea Party social where you can take the opportunity to check out blogs that interest you and they are all divided by topic, which makes finding something great even easier! I hope that my woman blogger friends take a chance to check this out and mention my blog if you decide to join! They have a fantastic contest going on right now so check it out and let me know what you think!!!!


Brittany said...

Hi There! Just stopping by from the LBS :)

I know exactly what you mean! Sometimes I feel like an outcast since I don't have a little one to blog about! But, LBS is def a great place to find new blogs about anything and everything. The tea party is my favorite.

I'm really enjoying your blog so far. And I love your layout - It's adorable!

Maya said...

yay for LBS! you also need to join SITS!!! :-)